
Itikaf City 2009: Second Day

Itikaf City 2009: Second Day

The second day’s proceedings at the Itikaf City began with the ‘Tahajjud’ prayers and offering of Durood and Salutation on the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). On the 22nd of Ramadan after the Fajr prayers, the participants of the Itikaf City could be seen praying at a distance from the Shrine of Qudwa-tul-Aulia Sayyidna Tahir Ala-ud-din al-Qadri al-Gillani. On the other hand, a large number of participants in attendance of optional Itikaf were also there visiting the shrine to pay their respects to the Hazoor Qudwa-tul-Aulia. The hall of the Mosque had become full of the participants at 10 a.m. Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri delivered his keynote address on the topic of ‘solitude’ on the second day.

Itikaf City 2009: Second Day

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri started his speech with the recitation of Verse no 16 of the Surah Maryam:

“And, (O My Esteemed Beloved,) recite the account of Maryam (Mary) in the Book (the Holy Qur’an) when she separated from her family (adopting seclusion for worship and) moved to the eastern house.”

Besides the Quranic verses, Shaykh-ul-Islam also gave references of a number of Prophetic traditions. While referring to such Hadith, he said that “the one being able to control his tongue would get the reward in the form of paradise”. Then Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri threw light on the evil of tongue by quoting from the magnum opus of Imam Ghazali namely “Ihya-ul-Uloom”. He told that tongue is the greatest enemy of man. He who controlled his tongue would be successful. Shaykh-ul-Islam said that the excessive talk is against the beauty of speaking. The beauty of Islam is that it enjoins upon its followers to let go of useless and purposeless things and engage in constructive dialogue. The root-cause of human faults and blunders is his tongue. It is the major cause behind all fights, rivalries and biases which mar human life and turn it into a nightmare. He said that we would have to create an atmosphere of love, brotherhood and sincerity with the positive use of our tongues. If we know how to put a stop to the excessive talking, we would become source of peace for others.

Itikaf City 2009: Second Day

Talking of the benefits of the silence, Shaykh-ul-Islam said that less talking increases one’s sustenance and excessive and purposeless speaking decreases it. He said that when one does excessive talking, he resorts to backbiting and commits other vices and perhaps we do not know that backbiting is a sin greater in magnitude than adultery. There is repentance for the committal of adultery but there is no forgiveness for backbiting unless the person in question forgives.

Itikaf City 2009: Second Day Itikaf City 2009: Second Day

About flattery, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that Islam condemned it as well. He said that leave alone flattery, the praise of the rulers and ruling class is strictly forbidden in normal circumstances. Quoting a Hadith, he said that once the Holy Prophet (S.A.W): “put dust in the mouth of the one who flatters the other person.”

In the concluding part of his speech, Shaykh-ul-Islam enunciated the wisdom of the Prophets’ act of grazing the goat and sheep. He said that Allah Almighty is the Guide and Mentor of all the Prophets who were raised in the world. He said that Allah ordered His Prophets to graze the goats because doing so creates patience and forbearance. Goats run here and there and the shepherd has to bring them back. He may beat them but does not kill them because in case of doing the latter, it would be his own loss.

Itikaf City 2009: Second Day

Shepherd scares the goats with the threat of beating them with the club and gathers them together. The wisdom in this is that the Prophet also gathers his Umma towards paradise with love and affection. He does not coerce them because he knows that if he did so, all of them would run away from him. Therefore, the Prophet continues to invite people even if his invitation is rejected hundreds of times.

Through the act of grazing the goats, Allah Almighty imparted the lesson of mercy and peace to His Prophets. Shepherd is stronger while the goats are weaker. He does not oppress them despite being repository of power and force. The wisdom inherent here is that the Prophet despite having the power to punish for any wrongdoing, does not do such a thing. He said that every goat in the herd has his different disposition and nature. This is also the case with the people belonging to different tribes who have varying natures. There are people who are stone-hearted while there are people who may be weak-hearted or cowards. There are both oppressor and merciful people among the Umma. But a Prophet teaches them all with wisdom. This is the training which a Prophet gets through the act of grazing the goats. But Allah Almighty imparts this training to the Prophets during their youth before the advent of their Prophethood. The implication here is that whether he gathers goats during the days of his youth or he collects the humanity together after the announcement of his Prophethood, it is all part of his practical training.

Itikaf City 2009: Second Day

At the end, addressing the participants of the Itikaf City, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said: “Know that you have come for Itikaf for ten days. You should know that unless you separate yourself from people, you cannot get Divine Gnosis. Man earns in life which gets spent. But the reward earned during the Itikaf is such an earning which would never be spent. I would ask the workers and members of MQI to at least sit for Itikaf for three days after every six months if possible. And if more is possible, then it could be for three days after every three months. In the similar manner, you should participate in the annual Itikaf for ten days as well as ten days for Gosha-e-Durood. This is the earning which would never get spent. This is entire saving which would be instrumental in salvation in the life hereafter.”


  1. Mustafavi Students Movement organized Students Leadership Training Program for the students participating in the Itikaf city from 9 am. To 10 a.m. Former president of MSM, Haneef Khan Mustafavi, delivered lecture on the topic of “Role of Students in Revolution”.

Itikaf City 2009: Second Day

  1. The keynote address of Shaykh-ul-Islam started at 11 a.m., whereas the hall was already full of people by 10 am.
  2. Before the speech of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, Nazim-e-Ala Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi briefed about the training matters.
  3. Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri threw light on various ‘Wazaif’ and asked the participants to recite them.
  4. After the Zuhr prayer, Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi presented introduction of new books of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri.
  5. From 2 pm to 3 pm after the Zahur prayer, Sajid Mahmood Bhatti delivered lecture on “How the expansion and stability in the organizational network can be possible”
  6. Sardar Mansoor Ahmad Khan gave a comprehensive talk on the subject of “Effectiveness of Media and Technology in the projection of Mission” between 3 and 3:30 pm.

Itikaf City 2009: Second Day

  1. Mufti Abdul Qayyum Khan Hazarvi gave answers to questions on jurisprudential matters.
  2. From 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm, there were collective spiritual gatherings and people also offered Durood and salutation on the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) individually.
  3. A new building of Agosh has also been added to the Itikaf City, where state of the art facilities are available for the participants.
  4. A large number of participants are residing in the basement and on the ground flour of the Aagosh building.
  5. In view of the security situation, stalls have been installed on the roof of Minhaj Model School for the convenience of the participants of the Itikaf City.
  6. Pedestal fans have been installed in the courtyard of the Mosque in view of the level of heal. Big water coolers are also available in every block.
  7. Mahfil-e-Zakir-o-Naat was also held after the Isha and Taraveh prayers, which continued late at night.
