Chairman MQI Supreme Council, Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, while addressing the Itikaf gathering, stated that one of the greatest purposes of the prophets was to fulfill the duty of preaching and propagation. There can be no greater role models in the entire human universe than the prophets, who carried out this noble task. A crucial element of preaching is communication. Preaching cannot even begin unless the preacher performs the task of conveying the message in the best possible manner. The key elements of preaching and propagation are communication and dialogue.
Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri said that Islam has provided a beautiful code of conduct for every aspect of human society. Acquiring the skill of effective communication is essential for the work of preaching. The reason we have lagged despite accepting Islam is that we do not fully implement its teachings in our lives. He said that the Holy Quran has laid down principles for preaching, and the prophets of Allah serve as its practical manifestation. Sometimes, they engaged in dialogue, sometimes used logical reasoning, sometimes spoke with gentleness, and at times expressed prophetic majesty—these are all approaches to preaching. The prophets were also the greatest motivational speakers of their times.
He further stated that Prophet Ibrahim (AS) spoke with utmost gentleness to his uncle Azar because he had raised him. Today, a true advocate of Islam is one who invites people to Islam in accordance with their psychological disposition. Imam Ali (RA) said: "Speak to people according to their level of understanding." Preaching does not have a single approach; there are numerous ways to invite people, and each person presents the message according to their own intellectual level. Therefore, a preacher must always consider the intellectual capacity of the audience.
Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri also quoted the Holy Quran, which states:
"O believers! Whoever among you turns away from his religion, soon Allah will bring forth a people whom He loves and who love Him in return..." (Surah Al-Ma'idah, 5:54) This means that if a generation fails in its duty of preaching Islam, Allah does not withdraw the responsibility of spreading His religion; rather, He raises a new generation to carry it forward. Therefore, the work of preaching Islam should never be taken lightly. In conclusion, Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri emphasized the importance of etiquette and sincerity in communication. He stated that only when our words are effective and based on wisdom and knowledge can we truly serve the cause of Islam.