The Depths of Divine Love and Fear
In the blessed month of Ramadan during this year's Itikaf gatherings at Jami' al-Minhaj in Lahore, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri delivered a profound discourse on "Ishq-e-Ilahi aur Lazzat-e-Tawhid" (Divine Love and the Delight of Tawhid).
The discourse began with a spiritual journey back to the time of the Companions, whose hearts were illuminated with such intense fear and love of Allah that their experiences transcend our modern understanding of devotion.
The Young Companion's Profound Piety
Dr Qadri shared the moving account of Thalaba bin Abdurrahman al-Ansari, a young companion whose God-consciousness was so heightened that a single unintentional glance at something inappropriate drove him to flee to the mountains in a state of extreme remorse. For forty days, he remained there, weeping and seeking Allah's forgiveness.
When the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, informed by Jibril (AS), sent Umar Farooq (RA) and Salman Farsi (RA) to find him, they discovered him in a state of complete spiritual immersion. Despite the Prophet's ﷺ assurance of Allah's forgiveness through the recitation of sura al-Baqara (2:201), Thalaba's perception of his sin was so great that he could not accept it until divine forgiveness was explicitly revealed to him. He ultimately passed away in the blessed lap of the Prophet ﷺ, with countless angels attending his funeral.
This story exemplifies the level of self-accountability that the Companions maintained, where even minor slips were treated with the utmost spiritual gravity.
The Weeping of Umar Farooq (RA)
The discourse continued with accounts of Umar Farooq (RA), whose awe of Allah was so profound that upon hearing verses related to divine punishment or the Day of Judgment, he would weep uncontrollably. His son, Abdullah ibn Umar (RA), reported hearing his father's weeping from three rows back during prayer.
On one occasion, Umar (RA) was so overcome upon hearing a verse about divine punishment that he cried out, "By the oath of the Lord of the Ka'ba, this is the truth, the punishment is coming!" before falling unconscious from his mount. He remained bedridden for days afterwards, highlighting how deeply the reality of the afterlife and Allah's judgment penetrated the hearts of these noble souls.
Dr Qadri emphasized that such spiritual sensitivity increased with proximity to Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, contrary to the complacent attitude prevalent today that assumes religious association alone guarantees salvation.
The Essence of Divine Love
Through various narratives, Dr Qadri elucidated the nature of Divine Love:
- Divine Selection: Allah’s love comes before a servant’s love for Him. It is His love that chooses the servant and fills the hearts with longing. Then, the servant weeps and loves in response to it.
- Signs of True Fear: When a person renounces worldly pleasures and finds no joy in them, it is a sign that they have attained the fear of Allah.
- The Unveiled Heart: When a person is blessed with Allah’s love, the veils are lifted from their heart, granting them an inner eye to witness the manifestations of their true Beloved.
The story of the Abyssinian slave, whose sincere prayer instantly ended a drought in Mecca, illustrates that Allah’s favour is not based on outward appearance or status but on the purity of one's devotion and the sincerity of their connection with Him.
Investing in the Hereafter
A particularly moving account involves Malik bin Dinar (RA) and a wealthy young man who was building a grand mansion in Basra. Malik bin Dinar (RA) urged him to instead use his wealth to aid the poor, offering a written guarantee of an even greater palace in Paradise. The young man wholeheartedly agreed. Forty days after his passing, a divine confirmation of this promise was discovered, affirming the eternal rewards of sacrificing worldly luxuries for the pleasure of Allah.
Reflections on Our Spiritual State
Dr Qadri expressed deep sorrow over the decline in spiritual sensitivity in our era, where hearts have been numbed by the dominance of sin and materialism. He urged the mu'takifin (those observing Itikaf) to cleanse their hearts, renew their connection with Allah, and reignite the flame of divine love within themselves.
The Beloved of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ
The discourse concluded with a mention of Ali al-Murtaza (RA). Dr Qadri recounted the famous hadith of Khaybar, where the Prophet ﷺ declared that he would give the banner to "a person whom Allah loves and whom the Messenger of Allah loves," an honour bestowed upon Ali (RA).
Conclusion: The Path to Divine Love
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri's discourse serves as a powerful reminder that the path of Divine Love requires complete submission, intense self-accountability, and a heart purified of worldly attachments. The true essence of tawhid is realized through experiencing Allah’s closeness with unwavering sincerity, where one maintains a perfect balance between khawf (fear) and raja (hope).
As we progress through these blessed days of Ramadan, may we strive to cultivate hearts that are sensitive to Allah's commands, that weep in His remembrance, and that find their greatest joy in His nearness. Great saints have taught us that there is no pleasure greater than the delight of knowing and loving our Creator.