
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri delivers an insightful talk on human psychology and the Prophetic personality

In a recent address during the eighth session of the City of Seclusion, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri spoke on the topic of "Human Psychology and the Prophetic Personality." He stated that in today's society, disbelief and atheism are being promoted, instilling the notion in the minds of young people that there is no God. Those who deny the existence of God also do not consider the Noble Prophet ﷺ as a messenger and prophet. They falsely accuse that the Noble Quran is not a divine book but rather written by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ (God forbid).

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri said that it is an established fact that a person's surroundings, circumstances, temperament, way of thinking, and behavior have an impact on them. He said when the Holy Prophet ﷺ was born, there was no mention of truth, goodness, justice, fairness, dignity, humanity, righteousness, truthfulness, moderation, or purity in the Makkan society. There was nothing besides evil, ignorance, oppression, confusion, disbelief, and polytheism.

“In that environment, the Holy Prophet ﷺ spent the first forty years of his life. After spending 40 years in an environment of disbelief and polytheism, he ﷺ gave a single-call to the truth that there is one God; He is unique without any partners.”

In an atmosphere of falsehood, ignorance, and oppression, while inviting to goodness and righteousness, he (PBUH) called on the people to seek knowledge, speak the truth, fulfill trusts, to not worship idols, worship one God, maintain family ties, fulfill the rights of neighbors and the weak, refrain from unlawful acts, to not commit murder or plunder, neither accuse women falsely, nor usurp the property of orphans.

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri stated that the Holy Prophet ﷺ had so much love for Sayyida Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her) that Sayyida Aisha Siddiqa (May Allah be pleased with her) narrates that until the end of his life in Madinah Munawwarah, whenever he (PBUH) went anywhere, he would mention and remember Sayyida Khadijah (AS). If the Holy Prophet ﷺ were not truly the Messenger of Allah and the Quran were not the true book of Allah, then there would be no mention of Hazrat Musa (May peace be upon him) in the Quran. But the mention of Hazrat Musa occurs 131 times in 136 verses of the Holy Quran. This fact is evidence that this book is not written by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ but is revealed by the Lord of Honor, Allah. If the Quran were the Prophet's ﷺ own written book, then it would have reflected human emotions, and the Holy Quran would have manifested different tone and tenor. But when we look at the personality of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from psychological angles within the Quran, then each verse proves that this book is not written by the Holy Prophet ﷺ but is revealed by Allah, the Lord of Majesty.

Shaykh-ul-Islam said that he has completed his task, now it is your responsibility to spread it to every corner of the world. The responsibility of MQI is to protect the religion in the present and future centuries, revive, spread, and promote the values, and connect the future generations with them.

“You have to ensure that my messages from Itikaf 2024 reach every corner of the world. You have to devise a solid action plan and use various social media platforms to reach every person. You have to plan to ensure that this message reaches at least 100 million people in Pakistan, so that everyone can be acquainted with Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, and everyone's faith can be strengthened regarding religion. We have to study for 20 years to specialize in a field, then we become capable of discussing that subject. Yet, we have never studied religion, the Quran, exegesis, hadith, jurisprudence, philosophy, and evidence, and have never learned religion from anyone. Then when we discuss religion, we say, "My mind does not accept that there is a God." The question is, who are you to say that there is no God? Correct your company. In life, both good and evil come from companionship.

Continuing with his message, Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri said, "In the 2024 retreat, my message is to connect oneself with the Noble Quran. Due to not reading and staying away from the Noble Quran, we have become cut off through guidance. Read it with translations like "Irfan-ul-Quran" and "The Manifest Qur'an." Strengthen your relationship with the Quran and understand it by contemplation and reflection. Our duty is to acquaint everyone with the knowledge of Allah. Connect everyone with the Quran and save everyone's religion. It is your responsibility to spread my speeches from the 2024 Itikaf to every corner of the world. Develop a solid action plan to spread my message as widely as possible and reach every individual through various social media platforms. Youth! Sons and daughters! Study and learn religion. Do not challenge religion because you do not have the basic authority to challenge religion. When you listen to someone who is against religion, they will mislead you and take you in the wrong direction. But when you learn religion properly, then no one can lead you astray.”

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024
