
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri speaks on exploring the Divine & understanding the marvels of creation

Continuing with his lecture series titled “Why believe in God?” on the fifth day of Itikaf, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that young sons and daughters should develop such a thirst for the love of Allah within themselves that when they mention and remember the Creator and drink the water of His remembrance, coolness spreads within their hearts. He asked the young people to become obedient to the commands of the Lord, Allah Almighty.

“Those who come into obedience to Him, He grants them His love, proximity, and closeness,” he said.

Building on the theme, Shaykh-ul-Islam said that the problem of today's youth is that they want to obtain everything without hard work. “My sons and daughters, nothing can be achieved without reading and understanding. All of you should study the teachings of your religion and the Quran, and reflect upon them. The hearts of the lovers of Allah are engaged in exploring the mysteries and secrets of His realms,” he opined.

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri said that the human body is composed of 100 trillion cells, and each cell contains a universe within itself. There are 100 billion atoms and 420 million molecules inside each cell. Research on these cells reveals that there is a being that designed, created, and then placed them in order. ... He is God.

He said that all things in the universe are composed of cells. The size of one cell is such that if 10 lakh cells are accumulated, their size becomes like the tip of a ballpoint pen. Each cell in the human body contains a universe within it. God has created all the things needed for this cell inside it. Just as there are 10 lakh power plants in the cells of the retina of the eye and they are powered by the sugar in the body. Not only that, but a complete human can also be formed from one cell of the eye. We need to open our eyes to the realms of these cosmic realities through knowledge, research, and science. It will make us aware of the existence of God.

The MQI leader further said that the human heart beats a hundred thousand times a day and provides blood to all the cells in the body. All the self-regulating systems within the human body are not self-made, but someone has created them and given them a sense of their affairs. ... He is God!

Red blood cells travel 75,000 miles every 90 seconds. ... The question is, who guides them as to when, where, and which way to go? Someone must be their creator and their guide? ... He is God!

Dr Qadri said that there is a cell membrane around every cell in the human body. This membrane not only protects the cell but also provides complete guidance in the affairs of the cell. Similarly, there is a cell wall around the cells in plants, its job is also to protect the cell. The human nose has 5 million nerve cells, which help a person to smell. A human can sense the scent of 10,000 different kinds.

Similarly, God has also given the tongue the ability to recognize the taste of 10,000 different tastes. There are 50 lakh cells in a drop of blood that take oxygen from the lungs to every tissue of the body and then take carbon dioxide from the entire body back to the lungs through the lungs, and then expel it from the body through the lungs. Every second, 20 lakh cells of blood die and at the same moment, 20 lakh new cells are born. ... So who is it that runs this system? ... He is God!

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024
