
There are different pathways to seek Allah’s love: Shaykh Hammad Mustafa Al-Madani Al-Qadri

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Shaykh Hammad Mustafa Al-Madani Al-Qadri addressed thousands of the faithful in the city of seclusion (Itikaf City), and emphasized that the beginning and initiation of Sufism stem from passion and love. He elucidated that the path of the perfect people involves not only traversing the path of passion and love themselves but also guiding others through this path of love, affection, quest, abstinence, contentment, asceticism, and piety. He stated that exploring the teachings of Sufism and the entire literature of Sufis reveals that these texts begin with the path of love and passion. This journey sometimes traverses deserts and barren lands, sometimes abandoned villages and towns. As the seeker progresses on this journey of love and passion, it gradually leads from barren deserts to lush and vibrant gardens.

“The pinnacle of this journey is reached by walking through the streets of the beloved,” he added.

Shaykh Hammad mentioned that our status, quality, and condition are such that we are living a life of peace and comfort, while claiming that we are searching for God. The saints, Sufis, and perfect beings used to seclude themselves for the sake of seeking God, living in forests and deserts. But in today's era, if we want to find Allah, then we have to make our hearts a place of seclusion. The blessings derived from the companionship of His Eminence Shaykh-ul-Islam over these 10 days will be greatly beneficial.

The young scholar stated that Allah loves two eyes and the fire of hell cannot touch them: one eye that weeps in fear of Allah and the other eye that stays awake in the remembrance of Allah at night. When a servant burns himself in fear, then Allah, the Lord of Glory, says to the angels, "Bear witness, I have forgiven him." Allah Almighty guides those who strive and toil in His path.

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Shaykh Hammad Mustafa Al-Madani Al-Qadari further said that attaining proximity, closeness, and union with Allah does not have only one path, but there are multiple pathways, and these are the various paths of “Tasawwuf” and “Tariqat”. Whatever blessing a group, community, or nation receives, it is through the means, leadership, and guidance of its guides, leaders, and pathfinders. It is necessary for all members and associates of MQI to remember that attending the company and guidance of His Eminence Shaykh-ul-Islam and remaining present in his assembly is essential so that we can stay connected to the means and guidance that Allah has bestowed upon us and continue to equip ourselves with the provisions of guidance through the spring of the guidance of the Lord.

Shaykh Hammad mentioned that we did not come to the city of seclusion to the presence of His Eminence Qudwat-ul-Awliya Sayyidina Tahir Alauddin and His Eminence Shaykh-ul-Islam, but someone has invited us. Remember! Departure from the presence of Allah only occurs when Allah grants us this permission. In relation to the lineage and companionship of His Eminence Qudwat-ul-Awliya Sayyidina Tahir Alauddin Al-Qadri Al-Gilani, we have lost ourselves in the remembrance, remembrance, search, and quest for Allah, the Lord of Glory, in this city of seclusion.

May Allah Almighty accept our gathering here in His court!

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024

Minhaj ul Quran Itikaf 2024
