
Itikaf City: children playing their part in Dawah work

Ms. Durra-tuz-Zahra lauds volunteers team for their service during Itikaf - 4

In a session with the volunteers team serving Mutakif kids, Ms. Durra-tuz-Zahra appreciated their services and efforts and gave beautiful advice. She said that giving time to dawah work is certainly one way to contribute to the spread of Islam and fulfill the duty of inviting others to the path of Allah.

For some individuals, giving time to dawah work may mean volunteering at an Islamic organization, leading study circles or Islamic classes, or engaging in street dawah by sharing literature or having conversations with people in public places. Others may contribute to dawah work through social media or by organizing community events that promote Islam in a positive way.

Ultimately, the most effective way to do dawah work is to use one's unique skills and abilities to convey the message of Islam in a way that is meaningful and accessible to others. The key is to do dawah work with sincerity, compassion, and a desire to help others find their way to the path of Allah.

Ms. Durra-tuz-Zahra lauds volunteers team for their service during Itikaf - 1

Ms. Durra-tuz-Zahra lauds volunteers team for their service during Itikaf - 1

Ms. Durra-tuz-Zahra lauds volunteers team for their service during Itikaf - 1
