
Itikaf City 2022: Dr Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri highlights conditions for journey of spiritualism

Dr Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri highlights conditions for journey of spiritualism

President MQI Dr Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri addressed a second session of "journeyers of spiritualism". In his talk on the occasion, he said that we have to come back to our Lord in Itikaf City. We have to make pledges with Him that we will not let Satan lead us astray and sow the seeds of confusion and doubts in our hearts. We have to vow to stay the course after finding direction, for we have deviated from the straight path under the worldly glare.

Dr Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri said that Allah Almighty gives the power of self-accountability after accepting people's repentance. Thus those who tread the path of spiritualism are able to subject their life, their deeds, their intention and thoughts to the rigorous accountability. He said that self-accountability makes man differentiate between tribulation and mercy.

Dr Rafique Najam, Sardar Shakir Mazari, Raja Zahid Mahmood, Sahibzada Muhammad Qasim, Sahibzada Hamid Mustafa Al-Qadri, and thousands of residents of Itikaf City attended this highly informative session.

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itikaf city 2022

itikaf city 2022
