
Backbiting & jealousy eat away good deeds: Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri

Itikaf City held under the banner of Minhaj-ul-Quran International provides a wonderful opportunity to the people from all walks of life to dedicate themselves to the worship of Allah Almighty in a spiritually ecstatic environment. A large number of women also attend the Itikaf every year to benefit from the opportunity of seeking forgiveness of Allah Almighty. This year too, the hundreds of women are housed in the building of Minhaj Girls College for 10-day spiritual retreat.

On July 3, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri visited the women portion of Itikaf City where he addressed the huge gathering of women. Members of Minhaj Naat Council and the children of the Kids Forum warmly welcomed Dr Qadri with Nasheed.

In his keynote address, Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri mentioned the sacrifices made by women workers in the revolutionary struggle. He said that the circumstances in which women are playing their role qualifies them to deserve double rewards from Allah Almighty.

Dr Qadri threw light on the social evils such lying, backbiting, unnecessary complaints and their impact on human personality. He said that these evils have become part of our life and society, adding that the process of shedding these bad habits starts with conscious self-appraisal. He said that backbiting is such a sin that Allah Almighty does not forgive the sinner despite his repentance unless the person about whom backbiting has been done also forgives. He said that it is for this reason that backbiting has been termed as graver sin than others in the Islamic Shariah. He said that sins such as backbiting and jealousy eat away one’s worship and good deeds.

Shaykh-ul-Islam advised the women to avoid making false allegations and listening to them for societal reform. He said that when slander and backbiting is resorted to before you, you should make it a point to highlight its negative effects before doer in an attempt to make her stay away from it. He said that the best antidote to these social evils is to stay busy in remembrance of Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet (SAW).

The female residents of Itikaf City listened to his address with great attention and vowed to avoid such social evils in future.

Meanwhile, routine activities continued in the Itikaf City. Mrs. Ghazala Hassan Qadri held a meeting with women representatives of MWL South Punjab in which she was given progress report of the local chapters. She appreciated the performance and advised them to make more determined efforts to spread the message of peace and love among the communities. Meanwhile, Mrs. Fizza Hussain Qadri met with the teachers of ‘Halq-e-Duroos-e-Quran’ in which she paid her tributes to the teachers for their dedication.
